Words & Characters Counter

Character Count


Word Count


Without White Spaces

500 000

Source Alpha Free online Word and Character Counter tool By Using this online tool you can count your syllable and check the words and charcter of your pdf file .When you need to check word and character counts on your pdf file, try the free online Word and Character Counter tool.The Online free word and Character counter tool is a great resource for writers who need to keep track of their word count or character count. This tool allows you to enter your word count and character count, and it will then show you how many words and characters you have left on your current document.There are many different ways to count the words in your story. One way to keep track of the number of words in your story is to use a free online word and character counter. This tool will allow you to type in your word count and it will calculate the number of words in your story. It also allows you to input a specific character name, which will give you a total for the number of characters in your story.
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